
What You Should Know About Bench Grinders


A bench grinder is a machine that is not used in your everyday life but if it’s available and is set up correctly, it will surprise you how handy it can get whether it’s for sharpening tools to rounding the edges of a cutoff bolt.


A bench grinder is basically an apparatus used to hone different tools. It is a must-have appliance if you own a home workshop. It has wheels that you can use for various tasks, like sharpening, mincing, or shaping for objects. From frail to coarse tasks, there is nothing a bench grinder cannot sort. A bench grinder is a rudimentary workshop tool that does not require any complex operation. All you need to know is some parts, what they do and how you can use them effectively. A bench grinder isn’t just a pulverizing wheel, it comes along with some additional parts that make this machine even more useful. 

If you’re wondering how to use a bench grinder effectively, this article will surely cover all the basics of using the grinder. 

  1.  THE MOTOR:  It is the central portion of a bench grinder.  The motional intensity of the motor decides what work could be done by a bench grinder. On average, the speed of a  bench grinder can go from 3000 to 3600rpm. And of course, the more the speed of the motor, the quicker you will get your work done. There are certain qualities that make it a perfect fit for a bench grinder:
  1. i) they are simply AC motors
  2. ii) they always have a capacitor in line to assist in spin-up

iii) usually motors with lesser speed are in demand because they produce less friction which in turn generates less heat.

  1. B) GRINDING WHEELS: it is an abrasive cutting tool that smoothly grinds and shapes the object. It is more likely the teeth in a saw except the saw have teeth only on one edge whereas the teeth in the grinding wheel are spread all over the surface which makes the bench grinder even more effective the object will be finely chopped. 

   Grinding wheels are rigid, strong, and porous. The material is precisely crushed as per the requirements. They are resistant toward the water, acid and oils, and various temperatures. 

  1. C) TOOL REST: The House Of Hardwares’ tool rest takes full advantage of the steel construction by giving a firm solid surface. The platform is used for grinding chisels and other flat-shaped tools. Since The House Of Hardware makes the finest bench grinder in the markets, it is of no surprise that this tool rest is geared in sharpening the tools at its best. 
  2. D) EYE SHIELDS: working on bench grinders can be a bit hazardous as it can cause eye injuries. The House Of Hardware truly looks after its customer satisfaction with utmost care being taken of their clients. It is placed just above the grinding wheel to prevent the crumbs that can cause injuries on the operator’s face or eyes.

Some major functions that are catered by this amazing bench grinder are that it is used for grinding, shaping, sharpening, cutting, buffing, and polishing. This is a lifetime investment for anybody. House Of Hardware does not compromise on the quality and guarantees the most economical price. You surely don’t want to miss out on this magical product. We try our level best that each item must meet or exceed the quality of other leading brands. A utilitarian product with the most reasonable cost is definitely the icing on the cake.

I hope all your concerns about the product are satisfied. House Of Hardware intends to support its customers 24 hours/7 days, therefore for further details, contact now.


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