
DCA Professional Power Tools

So you are looking for a brand new polisher. New machinery and technologies are being invented at such an alarming rate that it’s becoming hard to cope with the pace. Today this blog will clear out most of all confusion about investing in the best quality polisher also called the polisher grinder.

No matter if you are just a beginner or you own a fleet of them, let’s scrutinize what a grinder polisher exactly does, and 3 of the most essential features that you don’t want to miss out while investing in a polisher grinder.

Most probably you are very-well aware of how a polisher grinder can help you with the respective task, but to review, despite many different sizes and variations, the primary purpose of a polisher remains the same: grind your concrete floors, and then polishing your way back up. Furthermore, DCA-polishers can also be used for the eradication of adhesives, mortar, coatings/membranes, and so on. Fundamentally, they are produced from a single head models upto 6 head models, with the most frequent being the 3-4 headed machines. The version you choose depends on number of key features:


Depending on whether you initially prepare the floor, polish it, or both, you’ll need a high-tech, sturdy machine that can handle anything you throw at it.

  • Single Headed – chiefly chief for minute grindings tasks, hard to reach out to places, against walls, more often than not, undervalued for polishing
  • Double Headed – grinding in cramped surroundings, little more coverage than the single headed, ofen not ideal for polishing.
  • Three-headed – mainly a grinder but can so be used as a polisher, great for full-time surface prep contractors.
  • Four-headed – this model offers the best of both worlds. It has got solutions for grinding and polishing. Which creates a bigger room for job opportunities.


In elementary terms, less head on the ground means more downward pressure per plate. Basically an inverse relation. Hence more energy is directed into grinding or polishing your ground. 3-headed grinders are great for a contractor who basically grinds as the weight of the machine is more concentrated, thus helping you get the most of your task experience.

Besides, a 4-headed grinder is especially good at polishing. Obviously an even distribution of the machine will allow the heads to spin like greased lighting, thus making the business smoother. Additionally a larger surface area will surely increase the effectiveness of the task as it will take less time to cover a warehouse than with a relatively smaller machine.

Having said that, both 3-headed and 4-headed planetary machines can be used to cater grinding and polishing. Supplements like swing weight can make a 4-headed polisher much heavier, thus renewing the loss of downward pressure that a 3-headed machine can easily get. No doubt, a 3-headed machine can also do the task quite effectively; it just may require a bit more time than usual because of the more concentrated surface area.

Less heads on the ground mean a more aggressive removal. In most cases, heavy machines are required for general and serious removal.


Concerning our first key factor, whether grinding and polishing is your full-time job or not, the working conditions will still be a dominant feature in picking a DCA-polisher. For the customers who rarely do the task, you might be better suited to a smaller machine that can be conveniently transported yet getting the job done in a small environment. 3-headed and 4-headed machinery are comparatively hefty, requiring more time, energy and cost to transport and store.

In conclusion, if polishing and grinding is your bread and butter, and if you need to be quick and fine at what you do, our DCA-polisher is the most credible investment that you have made in a while. A bigger machine with more features and that covers a lot of ground in a short span of time is definitely a win-win.

Of Course there are tons of other factors as well to consider while getting your hands on a premium quality polisher but these are 3 of the most important ones that tend to make the most prominent difference.

Here at HOUSE OF HARDWARE, we offer the most sturdy and strong automation that you will not get a chance to witness anywhere else in the market. Your investment and belief in our company will soon prove its worth. We intend not to leave our beloved clients in any kind of miss conception and false assurance. AT YOUR SERVICE!

For further details about the products, contact now.


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