
Best Anti-Termite Chemical For Wood In Rainy Season

Which is the Best Anti Termite Chemical For Wood In Pakistan?

Headline of the Day:

“According to a recent study performed by U.S professionals, Termite infestation costs the US $5 billion each year, and it destroys more homes than storms, fires, and other disasters combined. “

The dreaded termites dwell in the wood around different parts of our beautiful home. Even without being noticed they can live up for years and damage our perfect looking wooden furniture and ornaments. They usually lurk around at places like doors, windows and mid tubes on the walls. If the homeowners neglects and do not take any precautions, termites can cause tremendous damage to your property, resulting in thousands of rupees for repairs.

Now there are several reasons why these wood eating creatures appear. One of many factors includes the weather. Termites are more likely to infest dwellings during dry seasons, but they also enjoy the rain. If you live in an area where it rains a lot, knowing the signs of termites can help you notice an infestation sooner rather than later.

Mentioned below are some of the signs of termites, which is the reason why they appear more often:

    • Termite wings that have been discarded
    • Doors and windows are not shutting properly.
    • Floors that are spongy

What can you do to protect yourself from termites during the monsoon season?

Heavy rain falls and moisture all around the atmosphere attracts termites to attack your homes. During the rainy season if you have experienced pipe leakage or standing water on your property, termites can be easily welcomed into your home.

House of Hardware is your perfect place to find all your basic necessities that upgrades your way of living. In this blog, we’ll introduce you with a powerful termite killer that is a perfect mixing solution to get rid of these dreaded termites, once in for all.

Agenda EC  is one of the best  anti termite chemical for wood in Pakistan. It comes in liquid formulation that protects your home from termites for a long time. Agenda comprises active ingredients that works faster than any other formula and provides with extraordinary results.

Agenda should be combined with water at a recommended dose rate and applied according to the recommended instructions for post-construction or pre-construction anti-termite treatment.

Agenda termite killer bottle

Following are some of the additional information regarding this termite killer:

    • Non-repellent termiticide, which means termites are unable to detect gaps in the chemical barrier.
    • Gets readily transferred between one termite and another.
    • Long-term colony management and protection.
    • It’s also possible to blend it with kerosene.
    • Good soil binding characteristics aid in the retention of active ingredients and reduce the risk of leaching into groundwater.

Today’s liquid termiticide solutions can be used almost everywhere on your property without putting them on yourself, your children, or your pets at risk. These termite killing formulas are not harmful to humans and are completely odorless.

I hope you have enjoyed reading this blog, If you are in search for Best Anti Termite Chemical For Wood In Pakistan then, contact  House Of Hardware now.

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